Contact Institute of Art, Design and Technology
Kill Avenue,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin
Tel: 01 239 4467

Institute of Art, Design and Technology

IADT is a leader in higher education with a specialist focus on the development of future makers and shapers, technologists, thinkers, storytellers and creators who lead and innovate in a changing digital world.
For further information on our Strategic Plan and the Institute, please see our website at:
About Us.
IADT is Ireland’s campus for the creative industries and a founding member of the European University for film and media arts, FilmEU. It is entering into a period of development and change, in the context of wider transformation of higher education in Ireland, the rapid development of European Universities, and strong support for the economic and cultural significance of the creative industries, particularly digital creative industries, in Ireland. For further information on the Institute, please see