Contact IPA for more Information:
Institute of Public Administration
57-61 Lansdowne Road,
Dublin 4, D04 TC62
Tel: + 353 (0) 1 2403600/3605

Institute of Public Administration

About IPA
The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) is the Irish public sector management development agency. Founded in 1957 by a group of public servants, its aim is to promote the study, and improve the standard, of public administration; to develop a sense of vocation in public servants and to foster understanding between the public and public servants.
Since its inception, the IPA has been at the forefront of research, debate, evaluation, consultancy, training and education to support the ongoing development of the Irish public sector. In each of these areas the IPA has an extensive track record of delivering services to a wide variety of organisations in the Irish Public Service, but we have a strong reputation and demand for our services internationally also.
IPA programmes are not only of interest to those working in the wider public service, however; its comprehensive range of programmes attracts students from both the public and the private sector. IPA programmes are also open to individuals looking to update their knowledge and develop their skills. The IPA has Ireland's only dedicated public management research and publishing resource. The Institute publishes books and periodicals, including the journal Administration, in the areas of public management and governance. In addition, the IPA provides a variety of consultancy and advisory services, for which there is a strong demand both nationally and internationally.