IFSC House
Custom House Quay
Dublin DO1R2P9
Phone: +353 1 6875999


Established in 2012, Uversity is a new concept in the Irish higher education landscape. A Recognised College of the National University of Ireland and a registered company and charity, Uversity is a partnership of twenty-four universities, institutes of technology and independent colleges to develop Ireland as a destination of choice and a world leading exporter of education in the areas of culture, creativity and the performing arts.
Uversity currently recruits international students for its Master of Arts in Creative Process. The 12-month 90 ECTS programme is an artistic and academic journey that integrates study, creative practice and immersive experience under the guidance of discipline specific mentors. This innovative programme empowers students to customise a Masters to their individual artistic and career objectives.
Throughout the year, students attend courses across all creative disciplines in Uversity's host institutions, meet as a group for a core module, engage in practice and interact with Ireland's artistic and cultural communities.
Uversity is currently considering other academic offerings such as short-term courses and on-line offerings.